405 Error: Understanding and Resolving HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed

We all hate seeing error messages when browsing the web, using or building an application. One of the most common yet cryptic HTTP status codes is the 405 Error, also known as the “Error 405 Method Not Allowed”. This error occurs when server refuses to fulfill a request because the request method is not supported or allowed for the specific resource. This article will explore what causes an Error Code 405, precautions you can take to avoid it, how to diagnose the issue, and solutions to resolve 405 HTTP Error.

HTTP Error 405

A 405 Error occurs when the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc) used to access a web page or API is not allowed by the server. The server requires the request to use a different HTTP method. For example, a 405 Error will occur if you try to GET a resource that is configured to only allow POST requests.

The “HTTP Error Code 405” means “Method Not Allowed” and indicates the request method is known by the server but has been disabled or disallowed. This is different from a 404 Not Found error where the method is valid but the resource cannot be found.

In simpler terms, it's like trying to open a door with the wrong key, the method you are using to access a resource is not allowed, and the server kindly tells you so. This error might sound cryptic at first, but we're here to break it down into bite-sized pieces.

Causes of 405 Error

Now that we have defined what a 405 Error is let's look into the various factors that can cause it to occur. Understanding these causes is the first step in resolving the issue.

Method Not Supported

The most common cause of a 405 Error is when the server doesn't support the HTTP method being used. HTTP methods include GET (used to retrieve data), POST (used to send data to the server), PUT (used to update a resource), DELETE (used to remove a resource), and more. If the server doesn't allow the method you're using, it will respond with a 405 Error.

Missing Headers

HTTP requests often include headers that provide additional information about the request. If these headers are missing or incorrectly formatted, it may trigger a 405 Error. It's like sending a letter with an illegible address and the server doesn't know where to deliver it.

Authentication Issues

Some web resources are protected and require authentication to access. If you're trying to access such a resource without proper authentication, the server may deny the request with a 405 Error.

Requesting an Inactive Endpoint

Web applications often have various endpoints or URLs that serve different purposes. If you're trying to access an inactive or non-existent endpoint, the server will respond with a 405 Error, indicating that the method is not allowed on that specific URL.

Configuration Errors

Misconfigurations on the server side can also lead to 405 Errors. These can range from server software issues to misconfigured security settings.

Precautions Before Troubleshooting HTTP 405 Error

Before you jump into troubleshooting an HTTP 405 Error, there are a few precautions and best practices to keep in mind. These can help you save time and ensure a smoother resolution process.

  • Double-Check Your URL: The first and most basic step is to ensure that the URL you're trying to access is correct. Typos or incorrect URLs can lead to unnecessary 405 Errors.
  • Verify Your HTTP Method: Be certain that the HTTP method you're using is appropriate for the action you intend to perform. For example, use GET for retrieving data and POST for sending data to the server.
  • Check for Authentication: If you're trying to access a restricted resource, ensure that you have the necessary credentials and permissions. If not, you'll need to obtain them before proceeding.
  • Review Server Documentation: Many web services and APIs provide documentation that outlines the supported methods and endpoints. Reviewing this documentation can save you from unnecessary 405 Errors.
  • Test with a Different Tool: If you're encountering an HTTP 405 Error while using a particular application or tool, try accessing the resource with a different one. This can help determine if the issue is application-specific or if it's a server-related problem.

Diagnosing 405 Error Code

Now that you are equipped with precautions, it's time to look into diagnosing the HTTP Error 405. This involves understanding the error message and gathering information to pinpoint root cause of the issue.

  • Read the Error Message: When you encounter a 405 Error, take a moment to read the error message carefully. It often contains valuable information about what caused the error and where it occurred.
  • Check the HTTP Method Used: Inspect the request and make sure that the HTTP method used (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) is appropriate for the action you're trying to perform.
  • Review Headers: If the HTTP Error 405 message doesn't provide sufficient details, review the request headers to ensure they are correctly formatted and complete.
  • Examine Authentication: If you suspect an authentication issue, double-check your credentials and ensure that they match the requirements of the resource you're trying to access.
  • Server Logs: If you have access to server logs, review them for any error or access logs related to the request that triggered the HTTP Error 405. Server logs can often provide valuable insights.

Solutions for Error 405

Having diagnosed the 405 Error, it's time to explore solutions. Here are some common methods to resolve this error and regain access to the desired resource.

Solution 1: Use the Correct HTTP Method to fix 405 Error

The most straightforward solution is to ensure that you're using the correct HTTP method for the intended action. If you are trying to retrieve data, use GET, for sending data, use POST, for updating, use PUT or PATCH; and for deleting, use DELETE.

Solution 2: Review Headers

Carefully review the headers in your request. Make sure they are correctly formatted and include any required information. If you're unsure about the necessary headers, consult the server's documentation.

Solution 3: Authenticate Properly

If the error is related to authentication, ensure that you're providing the correct credentials and following the authentication process outlined by the service or API you're accessing.

Solution 4: Verify the Endpoint

Double-check that the endpoint or URL you're trying to access is active and correct. If it's an API endpoint, consult the API documentation to ensure you're using the right path to fix 405 Error.

Solution 5: Server Configuration

If you suspect server configuration issues, contact the server admin or hosting provider to investigate and resolve any misconfigurations on the server side.

Solution 6: Software and Tools

Sometimes, the software or tools you are using may not be sending requests correctly. In such cases, try accessing the resource with a different tool or application.


When dealing with HTTP and web-based communication, the 405 Error might seem like a daunting obstacle, but armed with the knowledge provided in this guide, you can confidently navigate its complexities. By understanding its causes, taking necessary precautions, and following the steps to diagnose and resolve the error, you will be well on your way to smoother web interactions.

Remember, a 405 Error is just a digital equivalent of a polite "No Entry" sign. When you encounter it, don't be discouraged, instead take it as an opportunity to learn more about the web's inner workings and make your online experience even more rewarding.

So, the next time you see the 405 Error, you will know what it means, why it happened, and how to handle it with ease.