Inversion of Control vs Dependency Injection

Inversion of Control (IoC):

Imagine you have a TV remote control. When
you press a button on the remote, the TV responds
to your command. You are in control because you
decide when and how to change the channels or
adjust the volume. In software development, IoC is like
giving up control to someone else, just like handing over
your TV remote to someone else. Instead of your code
directly controlling the flow of a program, IoC means that
some other part of the software system (often called a "
container" or "framework") takes control and manages how
different parts of your code interact. It's a way of structuring
your software so that the control of the program's flow is inverted
or shifted away from your code to this external system.
Imagine you have a TV remote control. When you press a button on the remote, the TV responds to your command. You are in control because you decide when and how to change the channels or adjust the volume. In software development, IoC is like giving up control to someone else, just like handing overyour TV remote to someone else. Instead of your code directly controlling the flow of a program, IoC means that some other part of the software system (often called a "container" or "framework") takes control and manages how different parts of your code interact. It's a way of structuring your software so that the control of the program's flow is inverted or shifted away from your code to this external system.

Dependency Injection (DI):

Now, let's talk about Dependency Injection, which is closely related to IoC. Think of your code as a recipe for making a sandwich. To make a sandwich, you need bread, cheese, and meat. Instead of your code going to the kitchen and getting these ingredients itself, Dependency Injection is like having someone else, say a chef, bring you the ingredients and put them together for you. You "inject" or provide the necessary ingredients to your code from the outside. In software, Dependency Injection means that you don't create the objects your code depends on (like
database connections, services, or other objects)
inside your code. Instead, you "inject" these
dependencies from the outside, often using
constructors or methods. This allows you to
change or swap out these dependencies
easily without changing your code's
core logic.
Now, let's talk about Dependency Injection, which is closely related to IoC. Think of your code as a recipe for making a sandwich. To make a sandwich, you need bread, cheese, and meat. Instead of your code going to the kitchen and getting these ingredients itself, Dependency Injection is like having someone else, say a chef, bring you the ingredients and put them together for you. You "inject" or provide the necessary ingredients to your code from the outside. In software, Dependency Injection means that you don't create the objects your code depends on (like database connections, services, or other objects) inside your code. Instead, you "inject" these dependencies from the outside, often using constructors or methods. This allows you to change or swap out these dependencies easily without changing your code's core logic.

The Difference:

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a broad concept that describes a design principle
where control over the flow of a program is shifted to an external system or
framework. Dependency Injection (DI) is a specific technique used to achieve IoC.
It's a way of implementing IoC by injecting dependencies from the outside rather than
creating them within your code. In simpler terms, Inversion of Control (IoC) is the big-picture idea of relinquishing control to an
external system, while Dependency Injection is a specific technique within IoC that deals with how you provide dependencies to
your code. So, in summary:

  • Inversion of Control (IoC) is about letting an external system control the flow of your program.
  • Dependency Injection (DI) is a way to achieve IoC by providing dependencies from the outside.

.NET Core Dependency Injection


Decoupling Components:

Using DI, you can reduce the coupling between different parts of your application. When components are loosely coupled, it becomes easier to replace or modify them without affecting other parts of the application. This leads to better maintainability and extensibility.


Dependency Injection (DI) makes it easier to write unit tests for your code. By injecting dependencies rather than instantiating them directly, you can easily replace real dependencies with mock objects during testing. This helps you isolate and test specific components without involving the entire application.


With .NET Core Dependency Injection, you can reuse components across different parts of your application or even in entirely different applications. This promotes code reusability and saves development time.


DI enables you to change the behavior of your application by simply changing the configuration. You can swap out one implementation of a service for another without modifying the consuming code, making your application more flexible and adaptable.

ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection With Code Examples

ASP.NET Core provides a built-in DI container that we can use to manage and inject dependencies. In ASP.NET Core, the DI container is configured in the "Startup.cs" file, making it easy to set up and use.

Basic ASP.NET Dependency Injection:

Let's start with a simple example. Suppose we have an interface "IMyLogger" and two implementations: "ConsoleLogger" and "FileLogger". We want to inject the appropriate logger implementation into our controller.

Define the IMyLogger Interface:
public interface IMyLogger
void Log(string message);

Implement the Logger Classes for ASP NET Dependency Injection:

public class ConsoleLogger : IMyLogger
public void Log(string message);
Console.WriteLine($"Logging to console: {message}");

public class FileLogger : IMyLogger
public void Log(string message)
// Log to a file

Configure ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection:

In your "Startup.cs" file, configure the DI container to use the "ConsoleLogger" implementation by default:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingletonIMyLogger, ConsoleLogger>();
In this code, we're using "AddSingleton", which means a single instance of "ConsoleLogger" will be shared among all requests.

Inject the Dependency into ASP.NET Core Controller:

Now, you can inject the "IMyLogger" dependency into your controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IMyLogger _logger;
public HomeController(IMyLogger logger)
_logger = logger;

public IActionResult Index()
_logger.Log("Hello, ASP.NET Core!");
return View();

In the "HomeController", we inject the "IMyLogger" dependency through the constructor. Now, whenever the "Index" action is invoked, the appropriate logger implementation (in this case, "ConsoleLogger") will be used.

Constructor Injection, Method Injection, and Property Injection

In the example above, we used constructor injection to inject dependencies. However, ASP.NET Core supports three common methods of injection:
  • Constructor Injection: This is the recommended and most common method. It injects dependencies through the constructor, ensuring that required dependencies are available when the object is created.
  • Method Injection: Dependencies can also be injected into methods when needed. This is useful for scenarios where you don't need the dependency for the entire object's lifetime.
  • Property Injection: Dependencies can be injected into public properties of a class. While this is less common and generally discouraged due to its potential for misuse, it's still an option in some cases.
Here's a quick example of method injection:
public IActionResult Index([FromServices] IMyLogger logger)
logger.Log("Hello, ASP.NET Core!");
return View();
In this example, we use the "[FromServices]" attribute to inject the "IMyLogger" dependency into the "Index" action method. This method injection approach is particularly useful when you need a dependency for a specific action but not for the entire controller.

Lifetime of ASP.NET Core Dependencies

ASP.NET Core provides three options for controlling the lifetime of registered services:
  • Transient: A new instance is created every time a service is requested. This is suitable for lightweight, stateless services.
  • Scoped: A single instance is created and shared within the scope of a single HTTP request. It's appropriate for services that need to maintain state for the duration of an HTTP request.
  • Singleton: A single instance is created and shared across all requests. This is suitable for services that should be shared globally within the application.
A single instance is created and shared across all requests. This is suitable for services that should be shared globally within the application.
services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>(); // Transient
services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>(); // Scoped
services.AddSingleton<IMyService, MyService>(); // Singleton

Advanced DOT NET Core Dependency Injection

So far, we've covered the basics of ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection. However, you can encounter more complex scenarios in real-world applications. Let's explore some advanced topics:

Conditional Registration

Sometimes, you may want to conditionally register a service based on certain criteria. For example, you might want to use a different service implementation depending on the environment (development, production, etc.). You can achieve this by conditionally adding services in your "Startup.cs" file:
if (env.IsDevelopment())
services.AddTransient<IMyService, DevMyService>();
services.AddTransient<IMyService, ProdMyService>();
In this example, we register different implementations of "IMyService" based on the environment.

Working with Multiple Implementations

If you have multiple implementations of an interface and want to inject all of them, you can use enumeration injection. This allows you to work with all registered implementations as a collection:
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IEnumerable _myServices;

public MyController(IEnumerable myServices)
_myServices = myServices;

// ...
In this example, "_myServices" will contain all registered implementations of "IMyService".

ASP NET Core Dependency Injection with Razor Views

In Razor views, you can use the "@inject" directive to inject services directly into the view. Here we are using ILogger interface of .NET, visit the .NET documentation page to read more about this.
@inject ILogger<MyView> Logger

<h1>My View</h1>
<p>Injecting logger in a Razor view.</p>

Logger.LogInformation("Logging from Razor view.");
This allows you to access services and data directly in your views.


ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection is a powerful technique that promotes modular, maintainable, and testable code. It helps decouple components, making it easier to manage dependencies and write unit tests. In this article, we've covered the basics of Dependency Injection, including how to register and use services in ASP.NET Core, control their lifetimes, and handle more advanced scenarios.

By following the principles of Dependency Injection and the examples provided in this article, you'll be well-equipped to build robust and flexible ASP.NET Core applications. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, embracing Dependency Injection can lead to more maintainable and scalable code in your ASP.NET Core projects.

FAQs about ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection in .NET Core allows objects to request their dependencies rather than create them, making it easier to manage and test application components.

To add Dependency Injection in .NET Core, you configure services in the "Startup.cs" class using the "AddScoped", "AddTransient", or "AddSingleton" methods in the "ConfigureServices" method.

Implement Dependency Injection in .NET Core by defining your services and injecting them into the constructor of the classes that need them.

Dependency Injection in .NET Core is a design pattern that allows you to provide dependencies (such as services or objects) to a class rather than having the class create them, promoting modularity and testability.

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core is the same as in .NET Core; it's a technique to inject dependencies into web application components, making them more maintainable and testable.

We use Dependency Injection in .NET Core to improve code maintainability, testability, and flexibility by decoupling components and making it easier to replace or extend functionality without modifying existing code.
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