Concatenation and Aggregation

Concatenation operations append a sequence to another. LINQ utilizes the Concat method to perform concatenation operations. Review its syntax below:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Concat<TSource>(
	this IEnumerable<TSource> first,
	IEnumerable<TSource> second

Review an example of its use below:

class Rides
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Year { get; set; }

static Rides[] GetClassics()
	Rides[] classics = { new Rides { Name="Chevy", Year=66 },
	new Rides { Name="Pontiac", Year=64 },
	new Rides { Name="Porche", Year=60 } };
	return classics;

static Rides[] GetMods()
	Rides[] mods = { new Rides { Name="Chevy", Year=16 },
					new Rides { Name="Porche", Year=16 },
					new Rides { Name="Jaguar", Year=17 } };
	return mods;

public static void ConcatOne()
	Rides[] classics = GetClassics();
	Rides[] mods = GetMods();

	IEnumerable<string> query = classics.Select(classic =>
classic.Name).Concat(mods.Select(mod => mod.Name));

	foreach (string name in query)

An alternative for concatenation involves the use of SelectMany. Create a sequence collection, such as an array, and then use the SelectMany method, passing the identity selector function. Review an example of this technique below:

Rides[] classics = GetClassics();
Rides[] mods = GetMods();

IEnumerable<string> query =
	new[] { classics.Select(classic => classic.Name), mods.Select(mod => mod.Name) }
	.SelectMany(name => name);

foreach (string name in query)


In an aggregation operation, a collection of values yields a single value such as calculating an average of quantities. LINQ utilizes seven methods in aggregation: Aggregate, Average, Count, LongCount, Max, Min, and Sum.

The Aggregate method executes custom aggregation operations on collection values. Review its syntax below:

public static TSource Aggregate<TSource>(
	this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
	Func<TSource, TSource, TSource> func

Review an example of its use below:

string sentence = "Honey I tried to tell him that you were the
marrying kind.";
// Split into individual terms
string[] terms = sentence.Split(' ');
// Prepend terms to start of new sentence to reverse order
string reversed = terms.Aggregate((workingBuild, next) => next + " " + workingBuild);

The Average method calculates the average of a collection. Review its syntax below:

public static decimal Average(
	this IEnumerable<decimal> source

Review an example of its use below:

List<int> rankings = new List<int> { 76, 83, 99, 65, 66 };

double average = rankings.Average();

Console.WriteLine("The average rank is {0}.", average);

The Count method counts the elements of a collection, or only the elements satisfying a predicate function. Review its syntax below:

public static int Count<TSource>(
	this IEnumerable<TSource> source

Review an example of its use below:

string[] pianos = { "grand", "baby grand", "electric", "upright", "synth", "organ" };

	int numberOfPianos = pianos.Count();
		"There are {0} pianos total.",

catch (OverflowException)
	Console.WriteLine("The count exceeds Int32 storage.");
	Console.WriteLine("Use LongCount() instead.");

The LongCount method counts the elements of large collection, or only the elements satisfying a predicate function. Review its syntax below:

public static long LongCount<TSource>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source

Review an example of its use below:

string[] sports = { "surfing", "soccer", "swimming", "track", "basketball",
"gymnastics" };

long count = sports.LongCount();

Console.WriteLine("There are {0} sports total.", count);

The Max method finds the maximum value within a collection. Review its syntax below:

public static decimal Max(
	this IEnumerable<decimal> source

Review an example of its use below:

List<long> massive = new List<long> { 824984658296Z, 996649835Z, 4832115Z };

long max = massive.Max();

Console.WriteLine("The largest value follows: {0}.", max);

The Min method finds the minimum value within a collection. Review its syntax below:

public static decimal Min(
	this IEnumerable<decimal> source

Review an example of its use below:

double[] DBLstuff = { 4.5E+101, 6E+109, -3E+108 };

double min = DBLstuff.Min();

Console.WriteLine("The smallest value follows: {0}.", min);

The Sum method calculates the sum of a collection's values. Review its syntax below:

public static decimal Sum(
	this IEnumerable<decimal> source

Review an example of its use below:

List<float> values = new List<float> { 83.68F, 7.25F, 481.7F, 1.1F };

float sum = values.Sum();

Console.WriteLine("The sum of all values follows: {0}.", sum);